Why an Administration Fee?
Click here to view the full page! The Administraion Fee, also known as a Services Fee, addresses costs incurred by the dealership that are separate from those paid to acquire the vehicle. The "Admin Fee" recognizes some of the costs related to compliance with federal and state laws which provide for safety, consumer protection, anti-theft measures, vehicle history checks, notifications, certifications, official filings, the Privacy Act & new Red Flag laws & compliance. Much work and expense occur even before a document is ready to be used, and there are many documents. Before vehicles can be sold, dealers must invest in personnel training to carry out legal mandates. Not all transactions involve the same services, but all carry many legal requirements and documents to support those requirements. Click here to read more...
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Hurlbert Toyota & Scion, 58 Calef Hwy, Epping NH 03042 Google Map